Naked Conversations: Why I Created This Blog
This blog, like so many things that have to do with your personal computer, is Microsoft's fault.
I don't normally read non-fiction. I like escapism. But, since I have put my foot in the door of writing as a business, I have been reading things that will help in many aspects of my career. At my library was a book titled Naked Conversations by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel. These names probably don't mean much to you, but here's what Scoble has done: turned around the bad PR Microsoft had to the point that even the most rabid anti-Microsoft website called "Evil Empire" shut down because the company is no longer hated. The people running the "Evil Empire" site said it was an issue of time being scarce now. But their post counts and hit counters were not recording high hits any more, and had steadily gone down in count from the day Microsoft's blog called Channel 9 began broadcasting about how things are done inside the company and who was doing them. The more developers who blogged, the less people felt angry at Microsoft.
Lately, we've been having trouble with our own little community. Chatters haven't been happy with the product we offer, or the people who offer it. It was all right when we had a chat system and a public room rising against us, or chatters flaming us, making competitive rooms to "take ours down" so to speak. But all that's gone and now the little things we overlooked in our solidarity against a common enemy have begun to be major irritants to our nerves.
And our host-ship has been seen increasingly as evil.
We have a rule that we can't unload on someone in chat. That's all of us. No bashing players, other rooms or chat systems. No bashing story lines or characters. This doesn't help the IM/PM fury that seems to be making things go around lately. There's so much "he said/she said" happening, there's so many misconceptions going around, that even some of my fellow staff began to feel I was going to pop them for something they did, when, in fact, I was behind their actions 100%.
So this blog was created to allow the chatters and staff of Tales From The Daily Prophet to communicate in a completely different way--without having to censor ourselves.
Why? Won't that break up a community such as this? Not according to Lucky Altman!
Lucky Altman is a dear woman I met about 13 years ago. Her job is to design techniques of dialogue and sensitivity training to help end discrimination. Talk about a woman of vision! She honestly thinks it's possible to end discrimination in our time.
I've known her casually in many situations, but one week I was privileged to hear her talk to an organization I was in, a pagan church for those who have to know. She was talking about meetings within organizations and communication. In a nutshell, lots of communication is good, no communication is bad. While no communication is not healthy, there is something worse: Parking lot meetings.
Yes, I know. There are no parking lots on the internet. I mean something more like this: There's a meeting, it's productive, or so one thinks. Then one or two people are standing around, unable to leave the meeting behind. They have these opinions of what happened in the meeting, and felt like saying something to contradict the message the people in charge said, but they couldn't say it in the meeting! So, they have a meeting after the main meeting about how things -really- are going and how things aren't ever going to improve, how they won't ...
You get the picture. According to Lucky Altman, this sort of communication, these parking lot meetings, is the death knell of any and all organizations. "If you aren't able to say what needs to be said in the main meeting, if you're people are having parking lot meetings, then your organization is doomed."
I can't IM everyone and have everyone in on the conversation, our hours alone won't have us all online at the same time. And we could have a PR just for stuff like this, but, again, the hours conflict. The forums -could- have a thread there, but I'll be honest, that's such an extension of the room, I have a feeling we'd all feel a bit more like we can't be honest; In other words, we'd censor ourselves.
I don't want us to censor ourselves anymore, and I don't want it to disrupt our role play environment. And all this back-biting and gossiping in IMs and PMs is actually disruptive to the RP environment. Emmy said it best--it's like a couple going through a nasty divorce. So let's stop it.
While we can.
Open up, say what you feel. Trounce on me, on my staff, on yourself, on each other! Do it! I dare you! Clear the air, get it off your chest, and don't mince your words. If we are to remain friends we have to be able to say anything and everything to each other, or we, as a role play group, will not survive. I want to hear from the people who are in the room every day. I want to hear from the people who haven't been able to come in for a while. I want the guy who happens in once a week, once a month, or just now and then. I want to hear from everyone, absolutely. If I don't agree with what you say, SO WHAT? That's what this is about.
Do you know how I think or feel? NO! I've been keeping stuff bottled up so long I'm on a program to combat my rising stress levels. It's a medical issue. I am incapable of bullshit.
I think this is a medical issue for the community known as Tales From The Daily Prophet. Let's all become, at least amongst ourselves, incapable of bullshit, here, now, on this blog.
I double-dog dare you!
SNARKY! Don't you fucking DARE talk to ME about SNARKY, Little Brother. You have a huge dose of the "sarcasm/snark" gene in you.
Constant repetion of something that might be funny, then DO IT TO DEATH, they gotta STFU. And RP.
I'm not perfect, nor will I ever claim to be. I don't like some people, and some people won't like me. It's a part of life, and I try not to let it bother me.
I can be opinionated sometimes, arguementive, childish (can't I Sandra? Hehe), and many other things which just basically round out to describe an all out brat.
It's who I am, and I deal with it. I used to, and sometimes still do, get upset when people lash out and attack me... or treat me and my C's like a carpet that can just be walked all over.
I know my faults and I accept them. I see faults in other people and I accept them. I try to drop my troubles at the door when I come in, though sometimes that just can't happen... which is common of all of us.
While yes, I think this open communication is a good thing. I think out and out attacking people isn't. Yes, point out faults for sure, but don't do it in a way that could possibly make the person you're talking to feel like crap. It only makes it much easier for them to snap back and could in turn destroy friendships.
How about some naked though constructive conversations. Sure say your peace, but maybe show just a small amount of tact when you do?
I could be way out of line, but it's the peacekeeping nature in me coming out (and yes, I do have one).
Yes. I do. And I never said I didn't. I just said theirs no need for it. I even think there's no need for it when I do it and get quite pissed at myself for doing it. So what hope might you have?
Merr, you childish brat! **STO at Merr** **laughs, is kidding**
See, now, Merr you get it, though! You have to start from a place of respect. That's hard, because some people don't get respect in this community. There are some who just get their shyte jumped on even if they say hello! And many more feel that way already.
But it's also hard to respect someone when we harbor a lot of crap that might not be relevant anymore about them. Or if it is, needs to addressed! Like... popping zits!
Be a snark is a lot of fun, actually. Especially when another good snarker is around to battle with!
And now, I have other things to than torment a snarky Little Brother.
Alright, well since naked truth and all is warrented here, I'll say what is on my mind. If you don't like it, that's nice. I really don't care anymore. I've done everything I can to suit everyone and it makes me sick with myself because I'm always trying to be nice to everyone, even those that I want to bitchslap on a daily basis and say who the fuck made you the center of the world.
Snarky, yes. I'm snarky. I'm a bitch, I readily admit that. I'm a whiney, complaining, uber bitch that doesn't like it when things don't go according to plan. I don't like people being bitches to those that only deserve respect for what they do in the room. They are the staff and they so a hell of a lot more for the room then most people realize. Not to say that i haven't called Johnny a bitch now and then, but I don't do it in the middle of the room and I do it straight to him. He likes it *smirks* he admitted it *grins*.
The other thing I don't like is when storylines get started and I get involved in them and then they just disappear, either because the other player loses interest or what not. I hate when things don't get finished, I also hate when people are excluded from storylines or all out ignored. Storylines should be open unless you do it in a PR. If you want to have exclusive storylines, go do it somewhere-the-fuck-else. Because contrary to popular belief, I don't like watching and never being included. I came to the room to play, not to watch other people angst and what not.
I do my absolute best to include everyone until it gets to the point where I personally can't stand being around a person before they are excluded from my RPs in general and go into the ignore box. In the entire time I have been in the Daily Prophet, I have only ignored 3 people. Three. Two of which I was ordered to ignore by the staff.
I don't like open disrespect and bullshit and I don't put up with it for long. If you don't like it, you're more then welcome to ignore me or you can PM me and we can chat about your problems with me as a person. Otherwise, have a nice day.
Some people do like having that level of control over their SL's. So telling them to play it elsewhere isn't really a productive thing.
When I was staff in another room (Yeah, someone else came up with a hairbrained idea to give me a position of authority), we got sick of the constant bitching about people jumping without really being asked into another persons SL or RP.
Now to try and stop this, we basically suggested to people that somewhere in their tag, or some such, state that their play is either 'Open' where anyone could jump in and such, or 'Closed'. The closed plays tended to work best for people who have a lot of problems keeping up in a play where people just suddenly jump in.
I'm not saying to use it here, because that's not really my decision. I'm just mentioning what had been done in another room I was in.
Personally. I liked the open or closed play things, even if I didn't really use them all that much myself. It gave people freedom to choose if they wanted to expand the play some or not.
yes it can be annoying when you can't get anyone to RP with you (my longest dry period of RP was near 18 months). Yes it can get annoyng watching people enjoying the play in their own little world and comfort zone. But no, it's not fair on them to tell them to play it in a PR just because you're annoyed that you can't join.
It's like the birthing plays. I know there are people who don't like to watch them. I'm one of them. Now I'm not going to tell someone to take that play to a PR just because I'm uncomfortable with it. Yes, I may state I don't really like it, but then I try to ignore it in some way (if at all possible, I hate to put a person in ignore for anything, though I will if I need to).
We have an ignore function, and yes, it does work. You don't like something, maybe politely tell the person/s involved that you find it uncomfortable and that you're going to use the iggy function, then ask them or someone else to tell you when the play's over so you can take them off iggy.
Well it's just a suggestion anyway.
*sighs* I didn't mean to say to tell people to go away forever, I just meant that if people aren't going to be open to playing with others, what is the point in being in a community setting?
Granted, I can ignore them, but hell, I'll sit in the room all night and not get a single play. It gets on my nerves. I suppose gee that is just me whining because I'm not popular. The story of my life.
Hey, I'm the host of the room and I can sit in my room for a week and not get play. Ashe has had this same thing happen to him. So has Johnny, so has Merr, so has Geshp ... getting the picture? This is not isolated to who is popular or who is perceived as popular. In the end, this is one of the issues we have.
I also don't think it's unique to our room.
You're not the only one that doesn't get play though. I've sat in the room and just done nothing all day long.
It's not a question of being popular. It's a question of other people having the muses or inclination to play.
Anyway. I'm going to shut my post up now since I talk to much. *laughs*
For Roo:
You weren't rebuked the other night. I told you how I felt. I meant it then, I would mean it now. But that wasn't a rebuke.
I have been more than frustrated with you, however. And, because I was very angry at other things that same day, I actually had to censor myself. I didn't want the anger I was feeling at my OB/GYN dropping the ball. She forgot to refer me to the GYN oncologist. That was coloring my feelings. I had a whole, long response that I nearly sent. If you think what you got from me Friday was a rebuke, you would have felt like a giant heel had come down from heaven and stomped on you if I'd sent the first one.
Luckily, I read it and realized that I had other things I was dealing with and it was a bit much considering the situation.
Also, I think people don't remember this about me: I ain't Christian. My religion doesn't say you have to forgive everyone, at least right away. The ancient ways of doing things for white culture includes a long cooling off period before all parties in a dispute must lay it aside and treat each other as friends. The normal time was 2 years.
Your apology went a very long way. I'm just under so much stress right now and so much else is up in the air, that I really have bigger things on my plate than to address this. I respect your bravery in coming to me, and I really appreciate it more than you can possibly imagine. In nearly four years of running the room your the fourth person to offer us an apology like that. Thank you, again.
I just can't sort out my feelings enough to respond, and I hope you'll understand at this point, why other things have to take precedence in my life right now.
For Slytherin Wolf:
I think I could do a whole blog post on etiquette and OPEN and Closed signs. Thanks for you and Merr bringing this up. **hugs** I think this is something that might need to be touched on in more depth.
Ah, well, see... cryptic is nice for privacy but hey... I'm still stressed. **L** Sorry to take that wrong.
You're welcome. I like to think that some of my old experience with the other room can help sometimes... not that things are really too different from Daily Prophet.
Alright... a few things to say here, so I'll try not to make my first comment be a monster one...
As far as the idea of naked truth in communication, I think it's a great idea as long as there is also respect. Everyone's right on that account as far as I'm concerned. I think a little secrecy can go a long way toward destroying an otherwise good friendship, and that misunderstandings that just aren't aired and corrected can be even worse than outright keeping a secret because BOTH parties THINK they have the one "right" idea in that situation.
As for snarkyness, sarcasm, or general brattiness (whatever you want to call it from one moment to the next), I think everyone has it from time to time and some people more often than others. It happens. That's how life is, and I won't say I haven't acted the part of a spoiled little brat myself on occassions. Sure I have. Merr has. Meg has. Johnny has.... I'm sure Sandra and Ashe have too, and anyone else that anyone has known for more than just casual conversations during their best times of day. What really sets people apart is how they react and bounce back from the Bratty Moments of life. I hope that I do passably well in not holding long grudges just because someone's taken a bad day out on me or on someone else.
Open and Closed plays... they can be a good thing, if they are a choice that each individual player makes for certain. But telling players that they have to choose from play to play whether it is open or closed can hurt feelings and make them feel pressured. Oh, wait, so can any other decision, like making C-Sheets in the first place! *LOL* All in all, I trust each and every one in the staff to make the decision whether that is a warranted thing.
And the all-frustrating and all-annoying Death Of Play Possibility.... Everyone experiences it, just as just about everyone has related. There are times that no one has muses, or wants to play to a particular person, or has characters that are not PAUSED that could play to certain people's characters. You know what they say, folks..... Shit happens. All of us get frustrated, upset, sometimes even downright pissed off when that happens. Especially if you couple that with having a really bad day at work or elsewhere before coming into the room to wind down from said really bad day to find that you are waiting for something that doesn't happen all night.
Come to think of it, that ties back into the bratty, bitchy, part of this rambling that's growing way too long not to make a long post. *LOL* That kind of day and getting no kind of play or acknowledgement (which sometimes happens to the best of us, too!) is exactly the kind of thing that can lead to Bitch Mode if anything can.
Nice thought, huh?
You know, Glory Hottie, I think you hit the nail on the head here. We all want this to be an On Demand service and it's not. We're more like a living organism. I know that when I go up to see my bunnies, if the dog next door has been barking, they aren't paying attention to me, they're paying attention to that noise from a potential predator.
My muses die for various reasons, including:
1)Writing muses blocking the C box door
2)Stress--and this is a biggie since fall of last year
3)Something ticking me off to the point that I'm stewing in it
4)Someone jumping on me the moment I'm online and either complaining about someone else in the room in a tattle-tale fashion, or ragging on me that I haven't been online; many times that last one is coupled with actual dislike of my taking time to write and work on my writing career
5)People telling me how to run my room when they have no clue what I'm thinking or what the reality of things are
6)Dealing with being diagnosed with cancer
And sometimes the muses are just sleeping. Dunno why, they never tell me why.
I can also hear someone saying, "But, Sandra! I thought the room would be DE-stressing for you! Surely that's not part of the stress you feel! It's supposed to be fun. I'm only going to tell you to read point number 4 above again to answer that one.
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