New Year, New Start
So how does everyone feel about taking the Avatar reserves back?
Let me be clear. I'm not talking about me clearing out the list completely--making people have to reclaim their avatars would only cause a bloodbath and make more work for me.
But what about culling out the people who really haven't been in the place for, say, a year?
I did some cutting, as you might see. There is no DP homepage. I'm going to host it in a section of my site. That is, I will when my best friend stops using it to store stuff for her business. That will be in the next few days.(If not, heads will roll.)
I'm also thinking about setting the room to a "zero" point. Personal relationships are not going to change, but the room hasn't really been played in for the last 6 months, so many room-wides have gone by the wayside.
So, I'm going to ask, what do you want to see more of, less of, and what should stay the same?
Personally? I'd like to see more of the adult world played. Yeah, yeah, yeah, one could argue that keeping it simple and sticking to the school works, but we were always about stretching the limits of Jo Rowling was writing and making new from her start. I'd like to see the war start in earnest and these are the areas I think would make it interesting:
Splinter groups: We have some already, I just think we need to have their roles defined by some regular play. Order of the Phoenix, ARKS, Air Pirates, just to name a few
Ministry: Many of us have people who play regular workers. This is fine, but someone really needs to step up and HEAD the ministry.
Other governments: Yes, we've tried it before, but it hasn't taken. Maybe someone can make it work?
More hidden magic clan work: Griffons, Dragons, Valkyries ...
Reporters that are everywhere!
Well? What do you think?
So like ... no one has any thoughts at all? Not even a single "good," "bad," or "indifferent?" Woooow.
Good Thoughts Sandra
I need to do some cleaning out of my less use/never used avatars as well
I like the idea of bringing in other ministries again as well as maybe some "in the know" muggles since JK has done that in HBP
I think that the entire system needs to be looked at differently.
When they reserve they need to say if they are willing to share or not. If they're willing to share, put their name and available for use instead of open after it.
Or if they want someone to ask, then put the word ask.
I still dislike giving chatters the power over other chatters in this way. Which is partly why I try to claim all the people I use as soon as they come open, so that I can use them and then anyone else who comes into the room can use them as well.
As for storylines, I am a one on one player and prefer to play with people on an individual basis, so it's hard for me to get involved in 'storyline' role plays unless I'm doing something by myself that will be given to the rest of the people to react in their own manner.
I think canon characters should be NPCS only. That is does a strong disservice to Rowling to play her creations at all. If you're creative enough to play a canon, you're creative enough to play an original.
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