Something I Just Learned
I apologize for being out of touch. I have no idea if any of you check this thing or not. Because of that, I will put a link to this on the Forums, as well.
RWA National conference in Atlanta was a whirlwind that left me tired and exhiliarated in turns. I met people I'd hoped to meet, I met people I'd previously only met on the internet, I partyed, I learned, and I got a request from an editor -and- an agent.
One workshop I attended was about finding time to write. There was a lot to the compact one hour I spent with the lovely and talented Kim Louise. One thing in particular stands out in my mind, though.
Ms. Louise was talking about energy, how we might have to keep it in our projects. It was a simple idea -- some people talk so much about the novel they are working on they actually use up all the energy that should go into writing. In other words, they talk about it so much, they've used up all their energy for writing the story on talking to others instead of writing. Example: One woman she met knew everything about her story, and I mean everything. Down to a small scar on the hero's calf. The woman knew how he'd gotten that scar, the hero was 8 years old, and she had all the details. When Ms. Louise asked, "Wow, you know a lot about your story. Which chapter are you writing now?" the woman replied, "Oh, I haven't started yet."
She was talking about it too much. See what Ms. Louise meant?
I have noticed that on the days I spend in TDP I do not write. The days I write, I have no brain for role play. It ocurred to me that, perhaps, my energy must go to one or the other. I either must write or I must role play.
Now, I don't know this for certain. The only way I can know if this is the case is if I do an experiment. I don't think it has to be any longer than a two week thing. But I will need your help.
If you see me online, ask me if I've written anything that day. It doesn't matter if I'm writing an article or a novel or a letter to an editor or agent. It doesn't matter if I've done some revisions (which is re-writing) or I'm working on a synopsis. As long as I have met my goal of writing some every day.
If the answer is no, I'm asking for you to do something most role players will find harsh -- scold me and tell me I can't RP with you. Tell me, if you wish, how much you want to be able to RP with me, but not until I've finished my writing.
I really want to know if the writing I do in the chat room as role play is interferring with my writing for my career. I'd hate for that to be the case, but better to know now and deal with it creatively, than become stagnant in both areas.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.