Saturday, January 27, 2007


Most of you know this by now, but Warp1 seems to have lost connectivity. I've heard rumors of what happened, but since I haven't actually conversed in any way with the owners, I have no actual knowledge of what happened. It does appear to be fact they lost the home where their servers were connected to the internet. That means the info is all intact, there just isn't any place that will let it access the internet.

So, we've moved. As suddenly as Ethereal Realms closed, as suddenly as we had to leave IMC, we picked up and moved again.

We had a several choices, but after only a little thought I had it narrowed down to two. With no offense to Roo (and quite a lot of thanks for her generosity) for offering us a room on her own Infinity Bound chat site, I instead opted for Sanguinem Draconis. Roo also recommended this site, as did Martin's Ethereal Realms demo site. After playing a little on both, I made my decision.

The site is on Martin's newer code, which means one thing for us: there is an export feature whereby you can back up your handles. This means that, if we have to move again and we are able to do so to another ER style site running the same code, all you have to do is import the saved settings from SD and you'll be up and running with everything you had before.

I want to thank Donna/Witch, the owner of Sanguinem Draconis, for being so welcoming, as all her staff has been. Akimoto, who is their tech advisor, has been so very helpful and quite available. It's been a lovely experience.

For those of you who haven't found us yet and find yourself here, we also have a new web page address and new forums. Note on the forums: We had phpBB message boards, and I could not disable the registration feature. This meant I was getting SPAM accounts joining every day. You know the kind. They'd want to make my breasts larger, help me get cialia/viagra/phenphen/propecia (etc.), or want me to surf to their porn site. I would delete 10 to 25 of these SPAM accounts a day. Our new forums are a different software and I have disabled the registration. There's only one forum visible for non-registered people. To join, simply go to the forums and leave the pertinent information. I will add you myself. To find the sites:

Tales From The Daily Prophet homepage

Tales From The Daily Prophet forums

Good playing,
Sandra Kleinschmitt
Owner, Tales From The Daily Prophet

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Okay, StoryTeller Time

In the past I actually tried to farm out bits of the storyline to people. That didn't work. I left the room for about six months and someone was in charge of the school and someone else was in charge of the ministry and not one thing happened.

So, would people like me to take those things back? Just curious.

So, like, CANONS?

We have quite a number of canon Cs in play people's C boxes. We don't really need many of the canons to play in this universe. Voldemort is one that's needed, and maybe the minister. Maybe someone at the school, order of the phoenix, that sort of thing. But ... do we need too many more than that? And if you hold someone you don't play too much of, what do you think about letting it go in favor or original Cs that get out more in storyline?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year, New Start

So how does everyone feel about taking the Avatar reserves back?

Let me be clear. I'm not talking about me clearing out the list completely--making people have to reclaim their avatars would only cause a bloodbath and make more work for me.

But what about culling out the people who really haven't been in the place for, say, a year?

I did some cutting, as you might see. There is no DP homepage. I'm going to host it in a section of my site. That is, I will when my best friend stops using it to store stuff for her business. That will be in the next few days.(If not, heads will roll.)

I'm also thinking about setting the room to a "zero" point. Personal relationships are not going to change, but the room hasn't really been played in for the last 6 months, so many room-wides have gone by the wayside.

So, I'm going to ask, what do you want to see more of, less of, and what should stay the same?

Personally? I'd like to see more of the adult world played. Yeah, yeah, yeah, one could argue that keeping it simple and sticking to the school works, but we were always about stretching the limits of Jo Rowling was writing and making new from her start. I'd like to see the war start in earnest and these are the areas I think would make it interesting:

Splinter groups: We have some already, I just think we need to have their roles defined by some regular play. Order of the Phoenix, ARKS, Air Pirates, just to name a few

Ministry: Many of us have people who play regular workers. This is fine, but someone really needs to step up and HEAD the ministry.

Other governments: Yes, we've tried it before, but it hasn't taken. Maybe someone can make it work?

More hidden magic clan work: Griffons, Dragons, Valkyries ...

Reporters that are everywhere!

Well? What do you think?