Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Characters That Make You Go Huh?

I know a few of us have this problem: A character will come up and say they are ours. They will even give us their avatar selection and *gasp* that avatar will be available on the Reserve. They tell us their name.

Then nothing else.

It's really hard to get stuff from some characters. Children are always a problem, the younger they are, the worse their language skills can be. Sometimes this is an issue with magical beings or non-English speaking characters, as well. They don't think in our language.

Sometimes you know a character, such as Ashe's Lokin Wilder. He also knew he had an older brother Ashe would play, named Echo. But, beyond that, there were loads of younger brothers and sisters, some of them so young no one wants to go there. The family needs filling out. And some of this also happens when people have specific jobs, like in the MLE (a need for a partner), or a musician (bandmates are needed). Anyway, you get the idea.

One of the things that role play is really about is establishing connections. If you don't connect with other players and their characters, then you're doing what I do--writing a novel. And that's just fine, if that's what you intended when you "walked" into Tales From The Daily Prophet. But what do you do with disconnected characters?

Find out if they know who has their counterparts. There is a forum you can post things on. You're allowed to show the link twice a day in the room. If you have an idea in specific of who has characters related to yours, IM or PM the player and discuss it.

In the case of those errant Cs, the ones who tell you nothing, my advice is to either use the forums, or do what Ashe and I do: You don't get play until you tell me more about you.

Good RP,


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