So there was this email in general to the SD Hosts loop. Seems that many rooms are not being used. While they have dropped post count minimums, Donna/Witch indicates there are room removal stipulations still in place. Are we dead? I mean, if I don't show up does nothing happen? Do I have to try to carve time out to RP, even when I can't find it in order to keep this thing alive? Tell me, is it worth it to try to come in and get interest again just to keep a room where I might have a spare moment to play in once in a while? What are your thoughts, please?
Not that this is a slam or anything, but in my experience, when the staff and hosts of a room aren't active in the room itself, the players do not have a reason to be there.
Well, it must be a slam. You're anonymous!
That being said, O Anonymous Slammer,
That still didn't answer my question. Is it worth it to me to come in, suffer the depressive or badgering bouts with a few people to find that most people don't want to play with my storylines, or accuse me of stealing when I jump into their's, and even of not participating when I don't jump on the bandwagon right away?
Tell me really!
I honestly can't give you an answer for that. I, myself, haven't had too much time to rp. With my family renovating their house, my personal life in limbo, organizing a 50th birthday party for my dad, work and my homework (which I've been falling behind in), I just don't get the time really. On the times that I do, I have a very limited range of muses because of it all.
I'm probably no help at all in you deciding, but that really can't be helped.
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