Friday, December 08, 2006

Absence worth $60?

Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Do you all still want to play in Tales From The Daily Prophet?

Do you have to have me in the room to run a storyline to show up?

In the past I've asked people if I should keep the room open. Frankly, Ashe and I can RP anywhere, even around the house, because that's just the way we roll. Ashe does like to have a place to play, and I, quite frankly, do like having the power to ban idiots. Considering the history of TFTDP, that's warranted.

The idea of closing the room is always met with a forceful, "NO!"

But now the room is dead. What killed it? My not showing up? Or is it your not showing up?

So now I need to ask, even if I show up, is anyone else going to play? I have a specific reason for asking.

I'm asking because of the cost of TDP website. The domain is up for renewal, the hosting will be moved due to SPAM from where it is now to another host with a better SPAM blocker. But why should I hassle this if I'm going to end up playing in a private room on the occassions I can make it online?

Tell me, is it worth it for you for me to spend, yet again, what little money I get from the folks for Yuletide? Or should I just ask Travis and Branwyn to knock TDP down to Hybrid status, make us not so public, and let the TDP website ride onto a section of my site?

Thanks for any and all input,