Wednesday, September 26, 2007

10 Ways To Piss Other RPers Off And Lose Your RP Cred

This is a list of peeves. No one is exempt from being guilty of something on this list. Not any player, and certainly not Staff. I think those lines bear repeating: No one is exempt from being guilty of something on this list. Not any player, and certainly not Staff. But these are things that piss players off most and I'd like to present them with a caution: I use the word "fuck" a lot.


Ask for a character to be created by someone specifically for one of yours, then change the storyline within the first two months, including the grueling creation phase. Why two months? Because even playing every single day for a two month period is still a discovery process for that character and for you as their player. That two months gets you in the groove of the character. Change the storyline and the person playing that specially created character will be set adrift with a muse that has no RP home. Retooling rarely works, so this will totally fuck up all their work. Work you asked for, jackass.


Don't check in with the other mun. No telling them that you're having a crappy day, you're not feeling your muse, or that your mood might affect the role play in general. And for certain do not ask if there's a specific way they want the outcome of the role play to be. And, well, if there's a scene that needs to be played--like an aftermath scene, or a play where someone answers a message/owl/phone call--and your C or you aren't up to it, don't tell the other mun at all. Let them allow their Cs to assume your C is avoiding them, hates them, or has broken up with them, or has done something without them. Which brings me to the next pisser.


Assume that your character knows everything about what another player's characters are doing. Don't ask what they think their character has been up to, just assume and change the storyline accordingly. If they haven't played together in a long time, just make arbitrary decisions about what has been happening. Have them break up with them, or make plans that don't include them, and certainly assume that no play means that anything goes with whatever the fuck your character is doing.


Never let your character have a happy moment. Ever. No matter what the occasion. Just let them have an angsty little world all their own where nothing anyone else does will ever touch them, period. It's all about them, right, asshat?


Don't tell a mun when you change a long-standing storyline. Just force the current storyline the way you want it to go so you don't have to do the right thing and actually RP the change in story. Or don't tell a mun when you have a long-standing storyline that might touch their own Cs. Because no one ever minds when they aren't given a say, and characters are similar enough to real live people that they would just roll over and not have a reaction, be able to aid, mitigate, or change the circumstances or emotional feel of the role play. Have that Character go into the future and assume the C that is their Significant Other isn't contributing to that story. Make it all up by your lonesome as you're playing alone. Why don't you just write a novel, you effing douche?


Jump at the avatar you think is hot, or the player you think is great (and hot!) and make all of your Cs in love with all of their Cs without so much as giving them a chance to RP the beginning of the romance out. Don't allow the other player to have a day or so to think about whether they and their character want to tie them up in storyline like that. And be insistent they make a decision now now now. Push all you can for RP with them to cement them as your Cs boy/girlfriend. Just do it, fucker.


Constantly troll for Cs, asking people if they know your new character who isn't telling you anything. PMs, IMs, flashing the C to new people who come into the room. Ask more than once. Try asking every day over several months just to be sure. If it's a child with no parents, make the C abandoned and still alive in a magical community, even though their language skills are next to none and survival skills even less, meaning they should die of exposure long before anyone finds them.


Create the same character concept over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Fifteen variations of a were creature, animagus, drama queens/kings, the same depressive angsty C you already play, the same C with the same allergy to magic, aversion to potions, stubborn to such a fault that their integration into the magic world is so little and so light they are barely able to be anywhere near anything or anyone magic and hardly can be in play without idiocy on their part occurring. The same specialty, being adept or a "genius" all the time. Oh, and while we're at it, make your character's powers as beefed up as possible, push the limits till you practically are a god moder--in fact, go ahead and push for new powers to make yourself a god with no flaw to balance out your new found dice strength.


Never ask for RP, either in the room, PMs or IMs. Only post the words "Bored" or "Lurks" or any similar forms that are meant to hint you want play, but you're too much of a fucking wuss to outright ask. All the time you're in the room, hint around that you could be "doing something else" instead, like we're supposed to be happy you're still gracing us with your presence at that particular time. Remember the name of this blog is STFU & RP.


Know It All. Your grammar and spelling is better, your pictures are better, your posts are better, your storylines are better, your characters are better, you know more about the universe you're role playing in than the people who created the realm. In fact, you're Mary Effing Poppins, Practically Perfect In Every Way. Tell people how good you are and show them by pointing out the flaws in their grammar, spelling, pictures, posts, storylines and characters. Do it early. Do it often. Do it in the room for maximum effectiveness--no matter who else is there and how it looks to everyone else.